Silverplates Baccarra Luxor
AMHA AMHR Chestnut Stallion
31 inches
In Loving Memory/En mémoire de Luxor 26/03/2003-21/09/2023

Boones Little Buckeroo
Little Kings Baccarra Buckeroo
Wittmaacks freckles
Alvadars Double Destiny
Silver Plates Double Xposure
Boones Little Midnight S
Palmarès /Show records:
Internationnal Duiven show 2013 champion 30 to 32 inches stallion
Internationnal Duiven show 2013 reserve champion open stallion.
Elite Miniature Horses Show Le Pin 2013:
champion 30 to 32 inches.
champion stallion 5 years old and older
Reserve grand champion stallion
MHCE European Championship;
Reserve champion amateur stallion MHCE open
Champion 30 to 32 inches stallion MHCE
Reserve champion amateur AMHA Stallion.
Champion 30 to 32 inches AMHA Stallion
Reserve grand champion stallion
Luxor Offsprings /Produits de Luxor:

Poco De Oro Pepitos Trilogy
AMHA/AMHR/ASPC Black Stallion
34 Inches

Poco De Oro Pepitos Trilogy est un jeune étalon noir déjà multiple Champion et grand champion ainsi que World top ten AMHA champion aux USA .Il est également AMHR All Star world Champion. Fils de l’excellent Bristol Pepito et frère du célèbre Oak Bay Salsamio,il est également le frère du World grand champion Rivenburghs Jess Majestic. Pépito est l'un des rares étalons triples enregistrés en Europe(AMHA,AMHR,ASPC)
Il apporte son sang précieux et donne une impulsion nouvelle à mon programme d'élevage.Ses premiers poulains sont deja titrés Champions de France et champions d'Europe .
Pepito signe tous ces poulains et apporte en plus d'une conformation irréprochable,un chic et un raffinement extrême!
Poco De Oro Pepitos Trilogy is a young stallion ,he come from the most préstigious bloodlines in modern Miniature horses industry .His Father is Bristol Pepito sire of the legendary Oak bay salsamio and he is the brother to the great World grand champion Rivenburghs Jess Majestic.Roméo is one of the few Triples registered Stallion in Europe .He just start is breeding careers but will let a big impact in my breeding programm...
His first foals have already been titled French Champions and European Champions. Pepito signs all these foals and brings in addition to impeccable conformation, chic and extreme refinement!
Kewpies Paposa of Arenosa
Bristol Pepito
Lasca Kewpies of Arenosa
Sundance LB Michael Angelo
Sundance LB little Black Dress
SundanceLB Fashionable
Palmarès /Show records:
2017 Multiple grand champion and World Top Ten Champion in USA.
2017 Multiple grand champion et World Top Ten champion aux USA.
AMHR International All Star Champion.
Pepitos Offsprings/Produits de Pepito